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  • This course aims at making you acquainted with goal orientation for building requirements documents.

    You will learn how to build a goal-driven requirements model and how to derive a requirements document from it.

    The course is based on a case study. Theorical matters are introduced progressively while progressing in the resolution of the case study.

    You will also use a software tool, Objectiver, all along the training and learn how it can support you during requirements engineering activities.

    Table of contents

    The course in goal orientation is divided into eight chapters:

    1. Introduction
    2. What are goals?
    3. Goal refinement
    4. Conflicts & obstacles
    5. Concept modeling
    6. Validating the model
    7. Generating requirements documents
    8. Concluding remarks

to the Objectiver Virtual Academy!

This site is the e-learning environment of Objectiver. It has been designed to teach you goal orientation so that

  • you can learn at your own pace
  • you will save time and money
  • you will contribute in the resource saving of our blue planet just by attending distant learning sessions from anywhere in the world.
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